
Musical Blockchain — 历史发明。

我們發明並開發了一種 AI 音樂作曲家解決方案(Creative AI),其創作音樂,使用提供的數據作為靈感來源,使用區塊鏈 + AI 以基於心理學的自然靈感( Psychological Matrix™ 發明)構建旋律 和基於區塊鏈的 Decentralized Improvisation™ 發明,具有和諧證明 (PoH) 多節點共識算法流程。

AI 没有使用先前在现有音乐上训练的模型。 根本没。

Musical Blockchain — 是一個屢獲殊榮的世界上第一個基於心理學的人工智能作曲家和數字藝術創作者。
這是世界上第一個區塊鏈+人工智能的創新方法; 世界上第一個引入的 audioNFT 概念。
Musical Blockchain 還是 NFT 先驅和 OG CryptoArtist,在國際 NFT 舞台上得到認可。

在 2022 年 Musical Blockchain 在世界上仍然沒有類似物。

Where's the revolution?
We invented and developed an AI music composer solution (Creative AI), who composes music, using provided data as a Source of Inspiration, building melody using the Blockchain + AI with psychology-based natural-like inspiration (with the Psychological Matrix™ invention) and Blockchain-based Decentralized Improvisation™ invention with the Proof of Harmony (PoH) multi-node consensus algorithm processes.

No models pre-trained on existing music are used. At all.

Musical Blockchain — is a multi-awarded, world's first psychology-based AI composer and digital art creator.
It is a world's first Creative approach to Blockchain + AI; a world’s first introduced audioNFT concept.
Musical Blockchain is also an NFT pioneer and OG CryptoArtist, recognized on the international NFT scene.

In 2022 Musical Blockchain still have no analogues in the world yet.

© 2017-2022 by Musical Blockchain Intl. team.

Musical Blockchain is a Flagship Project of the FAYR Ecosystem.
© 2017-2022 FAYR Ecosystem.